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Aluminium casement windows
Aluminium casement windows are the ideal choice for your home, as they provide a clear, unrestricted view of the outside, whilst also offering high levels of efficiency and protection in your home.
There are also limitless customisation options, so you can pick whatever colour, size and glass type you want for your aluminium casement windows, whilst preserving the security they have.
Value Doors use the best materials and components when manufacturing aluminium windows, allowing them to be extremely versatile and fit in any home they are required.
Aluminium casement windows can also be installed with a wide range of optional extras and integral glass Venetian blinds.
Our range of aluminium casement windows
Making sure your aluminium casement windows fit exactly where you want them to is extremely important, which is why you choose the exact measurements and size of your windows.
Customers can also pick from a wide range of styles for their windows and the panels, so your aluminium casement windows will be more unique to you.
Astragal bars and integral blinds can be added to your aluminium casement windows, as well as double and triple glazing.
Getting triple and double glazing for your windows will make them more energy efficient due to the low U-values they have, helping you to save on heating bills. Patterned and solar control glass are also available as panel options.
Qualities of aluminium casement windows
Aluminium casement windows are a great way to allow more air to flow through your home, due to the space they will open up wherever they are fitted.
Like all of our aluminium window types, these casement windows have slim sight lines and frames, allowing more sunlight into the property, meaning you can lower your heating and electricity bills.
This range of aluminium casement windows also comes with a multi-point locking system installed, which further improves the security and strength of the windows.
If you aren’t looking to get any aluminium windows, you can also check out aluminium bifold doors and aluminium French doors.
Aluminium casement windows - sizes
You pick the size and dimensions of your aluminium casement windows, alongside the amount of panels you need for them, making sure they are exactly as big as they need to be.
We do also produce other types of aluminium windows, such as:
Get aluminium casement windows by clicking below.
Aluminium casement windows supply-only or fully fitted
Designing and ordering aluminium casement windows online can be done by both retail and supply-only (trade) customers.
Both come with free nationwide delivery around the UK; however our retail customers get the following:
- A full site survey and a vetted expert measure up for you
- A choice of payment options including finance with £0 deposit required.
- Buy Now Pay in 12 Months with £0 deposit required or pay over 10 years
- 10-year warranty covered by Value Doors
- 12-month workmanship warranty
All of our aluminium windows can have integral blinds*
Aluminium casement windows and integral blinds
Aluminium casement windows can come fitted with integral blinds, available in an array of standard and RAL colours.
These Venetian blinds have long warranties and a top-quality operating system that anyone can use with ease.
Design your own aluminium casement windows online
Use the button below to get your own aluminium casement windows.
Save your fixed quote if you are still deciding on them or order ASAP if you are ready.
Customised aluminium casement windows

Aluminium Casement Windows in Black

Aluminium Casement Windows in White

Aluminium Casement Windows in Anthracite Grey
Aluminium casement windows for you
Although aluminium casement windows aren’t stocked, they are made-to-order and have extraordinarily speedy lead times, so you can expect to see your doors very soon after your order.
Customers who aren’t looking for aluminium casement windows can browse our ranges of aluminium roof lanterns, aluminium bifold doors, aluminium patio doors, aluminium French doors and aluminium sliding patio doors.
Composite doors can be produced at Value Doors as well, as a strong and sturdy front door choice.
uPVC doors (supply-only) and composite back doors are also options that can be made upon request.
You can contact Value Doors at 020 4587 8300 if you have any further enquiries and we will help you out however we can.
Value Doors’ customers can get aluminium casement windows in the following standard colours: grey, black, white and anthracite grey.
If you are looking for a colour that is a bit more unique, then there is also a huge range of RAL colours that you can choose, for a slightly uplifted cost.
Aluminium casement windows are very energy-efficient, providing a standard U-value of 1.2 W/m²K.
This U-value can be improved even more by upgrading to triple glazing or low-E glass, improving heat retention and helping you save on energy bills in the long term.
We make sure that you have tons of options to personalise your windows, including size, so that you can bring your ideal aluminium casement window to life.
When designing aluminium casement windows, they can be up to 2,250mm long and 2,400mm tall, giving you loads of room to tailor your windows to you.
If you are after something other than an aluminium casement window, then we also manufacture:
- Flush casement windows
- Tilt and turn windows
- Vertical sliding windows
All of our aluminium windows are versatile and can be tailored specifically to your property.
Aluminium casement windows are very secure, especially with a durable aluminium structure and a multi-point locking system that protects your property even more.
These windows will enhance the security of your home and the peace of mind you will have whilst in your home.
Flexible new door finance options for all budgets and households.
We offer a number of ways to pay for all our new doors, to make it affordable for any budget.
Finance with Klarna is available at checkout on fitted products, depending on criteria.
You can buy now and not pay a penny for 6 months (supply only).
Pay over 3, 5, 7, or 10 years interest bearing finance (supply only)
You can pay by debit or credit card in full using our secure online checkout system.

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